
"The emerald island, and its emerald queen".   

Maumelle Callaghan

President of Ireland

During Allele's take over of Britain, it became clear that the Republic of Ireland should be the nation with the most concern. Britain changing from a democratic state to a totalitarian state, controlled by dictator Riley cartwright, proved problematic for Ireland- as they had no guarantee that Riley's new government would uphold the agreements already in place between the two nations. Despite this, the president of Ireland at the time, Evelyn Callaghan, promised Ireland that they stand by their history of being neutral, and would not enact any aggression towards Britian. 

During the first few years of the new Allele-ruled Britain, they upheld all their agreements with Ireland, and it seemed as though neutrality was the right method of approach. However, Callaghan's daughter, Maumelle, a budding young teen and political advocator, thought otherwise. Maumelle believed that Ireland should join Britain in their war against Scotland, making them allies, before (as she predicted), they become enemies.  Maumelle, in the publics eye, was Callaghan's star child- she inspired young female Irishwomen in the political field, proved intelligent and adamant to solve social issues, and remarked about following in her mothers footsteps. In Callaghan's own eye, the story was entirely different; Maumelle was diagnosed with anti-social behaviour from a young age, thus, growing into a distant and cold relationship between the two. Her mother never attempted to understand why Maumelle was different from other children- instead, she barely spoke to her own daughter, kept her locked away from her office, and hired staff to raise her. 

Maumelle had a long awaited for an opportunity to get her away from her mother- but Ireland was Maumelle's home as much as it were hers, so she had little desire to leave it all behind.  One day, past her 18th birthday, Maumelle realised that she'd been looking at it all wrong. She shouldn't be trying to convince Callaghan or plead with her, nor preparing to remove herself from her mothers life; she should be removing her mother from her life, and, from Ireland.  It was during these days of peace in Ireland that tragedy struck- during one of Callaghan's talks with the press, she was shot down by an unknown assassin. Her daughter, Maumelle, was safely escorted away- but shortly after, attempts to find the assassin fizzled out.

Amongst the aftermath of her mothers funeral, Maumelle pleaded with the state to let her take over her mothers role as President- the girl had proved she was more than experienced for the role. So, in an act of solidarity, the other candidates running froze their campaigns, giving Maumelle an easy path to President. Now standing exactly where her mother stood, Maumelle will approach Riley cartwright, the dictator of Britain with an offer- and at this moment, nobody knows what is it that Maumelle has to give.


"Stand together, those who's blood runs blue..."


Lian, like many other Scottish nationals, has been on the defensive since the totalitarian militia, Allele, took over the British government 10 years ago. Allele made it clear from the beginning that their priorities lay within strengthening Britain only, and not the other countries under the  out United Kingsom. Scotland, being the second largest country of the UK, was the most at risk.

Initially from Edinburgh, Lian was a good son to the local church minister. He was respected in their community, going above and beyond for his church and his family. He enjoyed how his work made other people happy, and all the little problems he could fix to make other people’s lives better. But there was a limit to how much Lian could be good, and moral, and pure. Lian wasn’t entirely perfect, and a second part of him that was only visible at night was kept secret from his family.

Lian had attempted to keep his family away from his work by moving far away to London, but unfortunately one day the secret came out- 

and Lian was cut off from his parents and siblings and lost his place in his family home.

Now alone in a city that isn’t safe, Lian plans to make the journey back home to Scotland to enlist in the military- a small, but necessary regiment that began soon after Allele took power, to offer some peace of mind to the Scottish public. Though there are freedom fighter groups forming in London, and all over Britain against Allele, Lian’s priority is with his own country.

With the assassination of the Irish president all over the news, there are rumours the new running candidate has plans for Southern Ireland regarding Allele, and Lian worries if these plans concern the Ireland’s solidarity with Scotland. He knows there’s a bigger conflict around the corner- he just has to decide how he can help stop it; whether that’s risking his life spying for the freedom fighters in London, or running back home to fight with the Scots.